RAP Management

RAP Management, LLC leverages cutting-edge technology to produce LEED accredited 100% recycled green asphalt to provide their customers with a cost-effective construction material that possesses the same structural integrity as conventional construction methods. 

RAP Management is embarking on this exciting new venture with the intent to become a leader in the asphalt manufacturing and paving industry, changing the mindset of the industry, leading the charge to be environmentally friendly, by preserving natural resources for future use and creating jobs through the operation and growth of successful businesses. At Eidos United, we are proud to partner with RAP Management and set an example for the world to follow on how to drive the environmental initiative through the entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism.  

RFid Lynk

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional deaths in the United States. The AMVG System is a design implemented to improve the safety of U.S. public roadways. The system will regulate the speed of motor vehicles to ensure compliance with established speed limits and, in turn, reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents. The AMVG System was created as a viable solution to the growing problem of speeding accidents, injuries, and fatalities due to the product's direct control, easy installation, manageable maintenance, and low cost.

Adaptive Controls Holdings

Adaptive Controls Holdings is the Intellectual Property holding company of Eidos United, which owns Intellectual Property created by the company and licenses it to its subsidiaries and third party entities. Our current portfolio consists of US Patent 13/775,993, a system and method for transmitting information between multiple objects moving at high rates of speed. For more information contact us here.